Who are we? Who do we work for?
DeepDocs is a HealthTech founded in 2022 with a mission to leverage healthcare data to accelerate Research & Development.
DeepDocs provide a all-in-one application with innovative solutions (Os-BERT & DAM) that enable healthcare professionals to securely extract, structure, and analyze medical data, as well as automate time-consuming redaction of documents, leading to informed decision-making.
How do we work? What are our solutions?
We advance by building tailored and integrated solutions for our clients and their use cases. We engineer our natively multimodal worflows by blending all the latest technologies available out there. Resulting workflows are perfectly adapted to the needs of our clients, state-of-the-art, and proprietary. Below are a few examples!
DeepMask pseudonymizes & encrypts sensitive data. Os-BERT centralize data from multiple hospitals/surgeons to extract parameters of interest for clinical studies in the R&D, EU MDR and PMCF phases. DAM (Deep Article Mining) automates the redaction of any time-consuming tasks in a few minutes. It provides documents with information traceability. The literature review is our first use case.
Who uses Os-BERT & DAM solutions?
OsBERT is used by Hospital groups, Clinics and Doctors, as well as Clinical Research Officers (CRO) and Registers in the context of any type of Clinical Studies. It can be used for all specialities.
DAM is used by Medical Devices Manufactures, Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Insurance Companies and CRO.
Our workflows bring game-changing gains of productivity for our clients, multiplying tenfold the productivity of their teams.
How does DeepDocs' SaaS all-in-one application work?
Subscribe through the website or via email. DeepDocs organizes a training session to walk you through the application. You can use the functionalities you subscribed for. And a project manager is assigned to you to develop complementary use cases you would need.
Once on the application: Import your documents. Ask your questions. Get a tailor-made answer with sourced information within a few minutes. Benefits from massive gains of productivity in the completion of your tasks.
The key features include data extraction, document analysis, and medical review writing functionalities, all accessible through a user-friendly interface.
How does DeepDocs ensure the security of medical data?
DeepDocs uses a French cloud - GDRP compliant and HDS-certified. Provides dual authentication and encryption of data. It pseudonymises personal information and provide table of correspondence for the opt-out of patients. And it also takes cares of collection of patients agreements if required.
How can I get started?
Contact the team at the "Let's Build something together" button. It takes a few seconds. You will then be contacted by a DeepDocs employee to organize a first call to understand your needs. If the application already takes into account your use case, you will be given an access to the application. If not, our team will be able to develop your use case within a few days.